Kamis, 10 September 2009

Daily News at Thoughts[dot]Com

I already have a website that can be used for sharing photos, videos, news, or even something about that. You thoughts.com. I thought that was usually blog, if I use for the first time. But after that for a long time I realized that this blog is awesome. I can say so, because this is a blog where you have a lot of thing indefinitely.

Referring to the name of Thoughts, it is obvious that it is the place where people can share their thoughts through the blog posts or join forums. The difference of this blog site with the other blog sites is that they allow the users to rate their friends’ blog posts, photos, podcasts, and video blogs. They will then calculate the average to gain the overall rating of the blog. Moreover, members who have high ratings are able to win an all expense paid retreat to a fun location every year. This site provides Daily News section which is used by their members to discuss about the hottest news submitted by their members.

There are many other interesting features provided at this site. For instance, if you have a topic to discuss and you want to know the opinions of your friends or other members, you can create a poll. It is very interesting to join with the site because we can do many things. All right, I almost forget to let you know the site name and address. Check out the site at Thoughts.com.