To know it all, maybe we should require very accurate information in order to really see the ratio of the webhosting service providers to be in use later. Many sites are very helpful to see comparisons of web hosting providers, such as this one site. FindMyHosting.com is a hosting directory where you can find the right hosting plan without hassle and it's really true. Directly at the main page the top ten most popular offers are listed with the most vital data needed to select a hosting company: disk space, uptime, monthly price and score. You also get to see their money back guarantee and prices on domains.
A little bit further down on the site they have a search form where you can in more detail specify your needs like in which country you prefer to have your servers and your preferred hosting platform (i.e. Linux or Windows). If you're new to hosting (most of us have been at least) you can find some informative articles on what to focus on when getting a budget web host, or how to switch hosting company.
So if you're looking for a new place to host your web projects check out findmyhosting.com